
Showing posts from October, 2020

5 Important Things to Consider When Choosing A Fly-Fishing Reel

Whether you are new or seasoned to fly fishing, a high-quality reel can make all the difference in helping you catch that big fish. Modern fly fishing reels are not merely lined holders, as the correct product will ensure balance to the fly rod and keep it performing smoothly, so you can catch the big fish. If you are shopping for a new reel, here are five important things you must consider to make a great choice: 1. The fish you'll be fishing for: Fly reels are designed for specific kinds of fish in specific weight ranges.   The smaller the weight range, the smaller the fish.  The larger the weight range, the larger the fish.  If you are fishing in saltwater, you may want to consider something in the 8wt to 12 wt range.  Small brook trout, you want something in the 2wt-4wt range. Generally speaking, the smaller the reel, the less line capacity.  The larger, the greater the line capacity.   You’ll want to make sure you pair up your rod and reel i...