Tips for Choosing the Right Fly Reels

Choosing the right fly reel depends greatly upon the fishing that you will do and how you will use it. There are many different fly reels available today, so the challenge is knowing which one is best for your needs.

1. Cost – The price of a fly reel largely depends on its make, quality and drag system. If you are fishing small streams with a 2 weight or 3 weight rod, chances are, you’re not going to be playing fish on the reel. In this case, your drag system doesn’t matter. Less expensive in this case is the way to go. On the other hand, if you fishing bigger water or fly fishing the salt, you want a quality, maintenance free, sealed drag system. Fly Reels should match the rod in most cases.

2. Material of Construction – Modern-day reels are manufactured out of machined bar-stock aluminum. That means a solid piece of aluminum was machined into the final product. The result is a high quality, strong, and durable fly reel. Alternatively, you can consider cast-aluminum, which is formed by pouring liquid metal into a mold. These are more the entry level reels.

3. Drag System – Drag system pertains to the resistance and regulation of speed when a fish takes our your line.  A good drag system will be smooth and apply a constant pressure. Your better drag systems will be sealed, use materials that keep it smooth like stainless steel, and cool. If you anticipate playing fish on the reel, you certainly want to invest in a reel with a good drag system.

4. Arbor size – Arbor size determines the rate of retrieve on the reel. The larger the arbor, the more line you can retrieve per rotation. Similar to drag systems, much depends on what kind of fishing you are going. Hitting the salt, you want a large arbor reel. Hunting native brookies in mountain streams, smaller is better. 

5. Size – Fly Rod, reel and line should normally be paired up and match. There are some exceptions, but as a general rule of thumb, match them up.   

Thinking of getting new reel? Check out our selection at RiverBum. We carry fly fishing reel products from well-known brands like TFO, Maxxon and Risen.

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